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How to Plan a Successful Corporate Move

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A corporate move is challenging, whether you’re moving one department or your entire operations to a different location. Preparation could take months if you want to make sure that things are less chaotic and stressful.

Below are some tips to keep in mind when planning the relocation:

Create a Move Team

Your move team should be composed of the Move Manager together with representatives from different departments. The move team will help you create the timeline for the move and determine space and budget requirements. They will also coordinate with corporate relocation movers, design the layout of the new office, and organize visits/tours to the new place.

Communicate the Plan to Move to Your Employees

When moving your business to a different location, it is important that you inform your employees about the move as early as possible. Some employees may have concerns with the move, especially if the location will be farther from where they reside or if it will result in moving to a new home.

Your move team will be in-charge of communicating with the rest of the employees the progress of the move. Regular meetings may be conducted to gather any other concerns that the employees may have and help mitigate their fears. During these meetings, the floor plan and colors may be shared to get the employees comments and suggestions. Constant communication and involving your employees during the planning stages will give time to process the upcoming changes so you can achieve buy-in.

Make Sure that the New Space is Ready for Occupancy

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Before relocating, your move team must ensure that the new space is physically ready to accommodate equipment and supplies. The move team should schedule internet, IT infrastructure, lighting and phone lines installation prior to the move. Common areas such as the lobby/reception area, pantry and conference rooms should also be covered.

Allot Ample Time for Packing

In order not to disrupt business operations, you should make sure that departments follow a schedule for packing their documents, supplies, and equipment. Your move team should conduct a meeting prior to the packing schedule to discuss how to properly pack and label moving boxes. For the move to be more organized, each department should designate a person who will keep an inventory of all the items to be moved.

Coordinate with Your Corporate Mover

Your move team must have selected the corporate mover that will help you transfer all your items a few months before the date of your planned move. If you need help in packing, moving companies also include packing services in their portfolio. Moving companies can also provide you with moving advice especially when it comes to state laws and costs when moving intra- or inter-state.

Inform Your Contacts

Ideally a week before your move, you should inform your clients, partners and other contacts about where and when you will be transferring. You should also update the contact information on your company website and send a notification to all those in your contact list.

Moving to a new location or office space is both exciting and daunting. However, if you are able to plan the move carefully and meticulously, it will be easier to manage.

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