Woman working in a greenhouse

Factors to Consider When Buying a Greenhouse

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Greenhouses guarantee a bountiful harvest because of the controlled farming environment. Vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers seem to do pretty well in greenhouses, but you can plant any crop including corn.

If you are looking to get into greenhouse farming, check out this simple buying guide before you tap any greenhouse builder or greenhouse window shades installer:

Location for Your Greenhouse

However much greenhouses have controlled temperatures for the plants, their location matters a great deal. It should not be placed where there is direct sunlight. Look for a spot with some shade. Do not place it where the wind is blowing too strongly as this will damage the structure. Also, not a spot that is too cold as it will affect your crops.

Size of the Greenhouse

This will not only largely be determined by your pocket but also the purpose. Do you just want a small structure for planting vegetables to be consumed by your small family or for selling?

Greenhouses come in different sizes, even as small as 4ft x 6ft. Whatever size you go for, ensure it does not take up all the space in your garden or farm.

Ensure that the space is enough for you to walk around and to plant some pots for seedlings. A higher roof is most effective as it allows excess heat to be dispelled.

Construction Materials

Construction of a greenhouseThe choice of materials also depends on your pocket. For the frames, wood and aluminum are the most recommended. If you want a more permanent structure, go for aluminum. It is durable, weather-resistant as well as requires less maintenance.

Timber may be a bit expensive to maintain as it requires painting and staining every couple of years. If you desire colored frames, you can use metal frames and have them powder-coated to either white or green.

For the glazing, there are also a number of options to choose from. You can use tempered safety glass. It is durable, harder to break, and much safer although a bit more expensive than the standard horticultural glass.

There is also the polycarbonate panels that are also pricey but shatterproof, and their insulation is good. If you consider this, go for the 6–8 mm thick. Ensure they have the exterior treatment. This prevents them from discoloring and becoming brittle.

If you are working on a very tight budget, you can consider polyethylene glazing, although it is not weather-resistant nor is it durable. They are prone to yellowing and must be replaced every 3–5 years. They are, however, suitable for plants that love heat such as corn, tomatoes, and cucumbers.


You will need auto-vents for proper growth of your plants. They help in regulating the temperature by automatically opening up the windows after a certain temperature. Doing it manually is tedious and time wasting.

Shading materials are equally important in protecting the plants from heat caused by direct sunlight. For the winter season, you will need insulating materials and a heater. Rainwater kits are also important in supplementing your water source to ensure a constant supply of water.

Your choice of greenhouse materials, size, shape, and accessories will largely depend on your needs and your budget. Whatever you choose, do not compromise on the quality.

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