Hotel room

Helpful Pointers for Breathing New Life into an Old Hotel

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The hotel business has always been a matter of what’s new and in. With new lodgings popping up here and there, the competition looks tight. Constructing a new building will take time and money, but acquiring an existing old one may come cheaper. From a business perspective, there is no question that this is one of the best options for an upstart businessman who wants to minimize costs. However, people tend to always look at the new and improved just like with everything else. How will you be able to get an old building and turn it into the subject of every hotelier’s talk? Let’s look at some pointers to breathe new life to those old structures.

At First Glance

If you’ll notice, all the well-known hotels have iconic looks and facades. In the same way, the look of your hotel’s exterior should capture the eye with its beauty and grandeur. Old hotels have a certain charm and nostalgic factor due to their architectural style. You can take advantage of this concept and try to improve the look without changing it too much. Of course, you’re free to go the other way and go for the modernized look. For this particular aspect, you need to consult architects and designers to look at the structure from the outside and create a winning design based on what is already built. Also, don’t forget that you can avail of services. You can hire experts to repair asphalt cracks in your hotel in Utah.

Board and Lodging

The rooms are the most integral part of the hotel’s service. Most guests pay attention even to the tiniest details. From the folds on the blanket, the electrical socket placement, to the free soap and shampoo in the bathroom, a small feature may draw the line between a five-star experience and a disappointing complaint at the front desk. Aside from being clean and comfortable, you should make sure that they match the overall theme.


Hotel suite living room

A hotel wouldn’t be complete without its amenities and facilities. After potential guests get attracted by its facade, they will surely check out what the hotel has to offer. Since you’re now enhancing an old hotel, it will be best to do some renovation on the interior. The lounge area, the bar, and the dining areas should be able to accommodate everyone. Just like with the exterior, you can take advantage of the nostalgic mood of the old design or take the forward-looking approach and go futuristic. Take note that even if you want to preserve the old look, it doesn’t mean that you can get away with just plain cleaning. You’d still want to install new equipment such as an HVAC system.

Revitalizing an old hotel building can save you a lot of energy, money, and time since it doesn’t need a complicated construction site that you have to make from scratch. Old hotels converted into new ones can even be considered as modern Renaissance architecture. Of course, you’d still have to spend on it because an investment is not without shelling out the funds to get returns.

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